You are invited
- to meet students of different religious background and make new friends,
- to visit a prayer in a synagogue, a mosque and a church,
- to learn about other religions and about your own faith,
- to understand the principles of dialogue,
- to experience religious diversity in a big city,
- to reflect about your own contribution as an agent of peace through dialogue.
Friday 6 February
18.00 arrival at the City Monastery address: Westeinde 101, Den Haag
18.30 dinner
19.00 introduction
21.00 documentary ‘Jerusalem’ (a city holy to three religions) at Omniversum
Saturday 7 February
8.00 Islamic morning prayer
8.30 breakfast
9.15 introduction into the City Monastery and the garden of beliefs
10.30 attending a service at the synagogue and discussion
13.00 lunch at a dialogue centre Dialoog Haaglanden
13.30 workshop ‘History of dialogue’ in the Netherlands
15.00 attending service at a mosque and discussion
17.00 workshop ‘What is dialogue? Why dialogue?’
19.00 attending service at the Martha church
20.30 dinner
21:15 looking back at the day
22:00 inter-religious peace meditation
Sunday 8 February
8:00 morning prayer
8.30 breakfast
9.15 session ‘Possibilities for dialogue in my own situation’, evaluation
10.30 end of the program
Contribution €10 (Travel expenses will be refunded.)
What you should bring
- an open mind
- your OV chipcard to travel to the Ominversum
- a pen and paper
How to sign up
Fill in the registration form below and send it to Waltraut Stroh,
Registration form
Full name:
E-mail Address:
You will receive a confirmation and more detailed information about the traveling.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in The Hague.
The organisors:
Alper Alasag, Platform INS
Father Avin, International Student Chaplaincy
Waltraut Stroh, International Student Chaplaincy